Changing GBM's temporary directory​
Changing GBM's temporary directory Gigasoft Backup Manager (GBM) uses the local system's temporary directory for some cache files while the ba...
Tue, 29 Mar, 2022 at 10:46 AM
Access denied; you need (at least one of) the PROCESS privilege(s) for this operation' when trying to dump tablespaces
When backing up a MySQL database you may receive this error In order to resolve this you need to add the --no-tablespaces to the extra parameters sectio...
Tue, 10 May, 2022 at 8:34 AM
VSS error during Hyper V backup
Vss errors during any backup are usually related to a VSS writer that is in an error state. This can be found by performing vssadmin list writers from a...
Wed, 2 Nov, 2022 at 2:19 PM
Applying Hotfix - Windows
Applying backup-tool.exe hotfixes on Windows Exit the Gigasoftt Backup app from the system tray Stop Gigasoft's background services Use services.msc...
Tue, 15 Nov, 2022 at 9:51 AM
Applying Hotfix - Mac OS
Applying backup-tool hotfixes on macOS Exit the Gigasoft Backup app from the system taskbar Stop Gigasoft's background services sudo launchctl unloa...
Tue, 15 Nov, 2022 at 9:53 AM
GBM - Synology Application Install / Update
Linux NAS (Synology) Since GBM 21.12.6, Synology SPKs can be generated and downloaded from the GBM Server web interface. The web interface offers two downl...
Wed, 26 Jun, 2024 at 11:22 AM